Friday, June 4, 2010

My First Organizational Meeting

I've been working really hard for the last few weeks on preparing for a meeting I was having at my house for homeschooling moms. I titled it Organizing and Managing Your Homes. The meeting went really well and I got a great response from the people who attended. I'm praying about where God would like me to take this. There are definitely some things I need to tweek and change, but overall I'm really happy with what I've created and what God has taught me about organizing my home. I feel that he might be leading me to present my ideas at Homeschool Conventions, but I need to pray about it some more. In August I am having another meeting on Managing Your Schedule. I'm not sure what direction I want to take with that yet, but I've got some time to think about. Below are the topics I discussed at the meeting last night:

Organizing Your Kitchen
Organizing Other Rooms in Your House (focusing on their school area)
Ways to Save Money
Staying Organized
Your Cleaning Schedule

1 comment:

  1. You are AWESOME!!! Why didn't you tell me this was your passion - I would love to learn from you!!!
