Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ethan and Morgan

We went to visit our friends Cammie and Steve in Enid, OK last weekend and Ethan fell in love with their dog Morgan. So sweet!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Heart

There are two things that are have become pillars for me in my life. Amazingly, I found them so perfectly stated in a website I was looking at and I wanted to share them with you. I haven't looked at the website enough to say I vouch for everything that is on there, but I felt that these two things were something I wanted to post on my blog. The first is in regard to the the book of Daniel. I was in a bible study this fall that went through Daniel and it really impacted my life.

Daniel Chapter 7 & The Book of Revelation

The four world-wide kingdoms that Daniel saw in his night visions began with the Babylonians from 605-538 B.C. Nearly 700 years later, John would be given a virtually identical vision of these same events in the Book of Revelation.

The four beasts that Daniel saw; A Lion, A Bear, A Leopard, and a Dreadful Beast beyond earthly description, were a Prophetic view of the four kingdoms that would dominate the world over the course of human history.

The Lion represented King Nebuchadnezzar, King of the Babylonians.

The Bear representing King Cyrus of the Medo-Persian Empire.

The Leopard representing Alexander the Great who conquored the know world when he was just 32 years old.

The Dreadful and Terrible Beast coming in “The Last Days” from a revival of the old Roman Empire led by the one called the “Beast” or “The Antichrist”.

It is important to remember that these first three kingdoms described in the Book of Daniel, were predicted hundreds of years before they actually occurred in history. The accuracy of these prophecies in the Book of Daniel are so precise that skeptics have often stated that they must have been written after the events actually took place. They contend that any prediction with the detail that Daniel describes, would be impossible to predict before hand.

Therein is the point that we who study the Bible have been making all along. The Bible is the handwriting of God. His words and thoughts, recorded by “holy men of God who spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit”. The most convincing proof that the Bible is the Word of God is that of the 2,500 plus prophecies in the scriptures, over 2,000 of these have already been literally fulfilled exactly as they were predicted, without a single error.

The other most important thing is knowing that God loves you. The biggest thing I've learned about God is that his silence doesn't mean he's not listening or that he doesn't exist. If you don't turn away from him he will show you why he was silent during a time when you thought he should be speaking. Also, many times he may have been speaking but we couldn't hear him because we had too many blinders on to see him.

Daily Walk: Finding Your Purpose in Life
Jeremiah 31:3 “The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.”

We spend our entire life searching for the one thing that we desire most. To be genuinely and deeply loved. Something compels us to fill that empty space inside. We might try relationships, work, pleasure, alcohol or drugs but none of these fit the empty void that we feel.

Those who pursue riches will tell you that once the riches are obtained the emptiness does not go away. It was the pursuit of the wealth that gained the high, the achievement still left them felling like there was something missing.

God created us for Himself. He made us to worship and love Him and until we discover this truth and pursue a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, we will remain empty. Many people stumble over the whole issue of “Religion” stating that they are not interested in religion or church. The fact is that the Lord did not encourage us to become religious, He desires a relationship with us.

If you're interested in reading more. I got these from

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ice storm has arrived!

Things aren't really bad yet, but I thought I would take a few pictures of our plants in the backyard. Everything outside looks glossy. We're suppose to get an inch of ice before it starts snowing later today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't lose power. We have a fireplace and wood to stay warm, but I'm really wishing we had a gas stove like we did in Washington. If things get really bad I guess I can cook over the fire. It would be really nice if Doug was here since he has a little more knowledge than I do with survival skills. However, he's not sitting pretty either. He said he's getting hit with a lot of snow and wind in Oklahoma.

Playdoh Mondays

Jacob's Creation!