Sunday, March 27, 2011

Snow? Really?

This wasn't just a dusting of snow, this was a significant amount of snow that dumped on us yesterday. The kids even went out for 30 mintues to go sledding and play.

Just to provide a good visual of how things changed in just a week. This was a pciture I took seven days ago...

 ...and this was the picture I took yesterday!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Are you informed?

I don't know how many people who read my blog watch Glenn Beck. I've been watching him fairly consistently over the past year and a half. Sometimes it's hard to hear what he has to say because you don't want to admit that it might be the truth. It's so much easier to live in ignorance. However, I feel that the time has come that ignorance is dangerous. Being prepared for the worst and hoping for the best is what Doug and I have decided to do. There are so many things happening in this world that I feel for the first time in the history of America our furture is going to look very different from our past. Today on Glenn Beck he played a clip that has former SEIU Steven Lerner talking about how they are planning on the first week of May to take down JP Morgan Chase and collapse the stock market. To hear Steven's own words go to You can also watch Glenn Beck's show today on Economic Terrorism at If you haven't been tuning into Glenn Beck don't wait any longer. There is something very wrong going on in our country and world, and he seems to be the only one who has a pulse on what is going on behind the scene.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Our Crazy Lives

Doug was here for the last 10 days and left yesterday to go back to Oklahoma. It would seem that 10 days would give us plenty of family time, but it definitely wasn't that kind of trip. Him and I attended a Commander's Course all week. They kids were left with 8 different babysitters/families. We had two social events at night and the course was on a very tight schedule with no down time from Monday through Friday. I also had the pleasure of being on crutches the whole week. The foot thing isn't getting better. Then, we topped Doug's last two days off with celebrating Ethan's birthday, he went grocery shopping for me, did laundry and cleaned as much as possible so I wouldn't have to. Needless to say, we are all exhausted and happy it is over.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ethan "Skywalker's" 6th Birthday

I can't believe our little guy turned six yesterday. He had a great birthday at Three Tigers Martial Arts celebrating with all of his friends. Doug even got in on the action at the end.