Monday, March 7, 2011

Our Crazy Lives

Doug was here for the last 10 days and left yesterday to go back to Oklahoma. It would seem that 10 days would give us plenty of family time, but it definitely wasn't that kind of trip. Him and I attended a Commander's Course all week. They kids were left with 8 different babysitters/families. We had two social events at night and the course was on a very tight schedule with no down time from Monday through Friday. I also had the pleasure of being on crutches the whole week. The foot thing isn't getting better. Then, we topped Doug's last two days off with celebrating Ethan's birthday, he went grocery shopping for me, did laundry and cleaned as much as possible so I wouldn't have to. Needless to say, we are all exhausted and happy it is over.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Joy - I sure wish I could have been there to help out!! And such a bummer that you are on crutches! I am sure that you are not able to rest that foot enough to get it healed with Doug gone... Such another difficult season.

    Praying my friend...
